NUS Seafarers

To sail is to live.

The NUS Seafarers are an initiative of the National University of Singapore and have so far organised 19 seafaring voyages since January 2017, spending altogether 204 days at sea, with 193 students and 30 alumni on board.

The participating students and alumni have unique experiences, immersing themselves in the culture, nature, economy and maritime infrastructure of Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines, and becoming veritable seafarers along the way. The participating alumni enrich the voyages with their experience and advice to current students.

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Experiencing Krakatoa
Experiencing Krakatoa

How might one fathom the vastness of the biggest explosion in human history, the Krakatoa eruption of 1883? Can textbooks ever adequately convey the immensity of such events, the destruction they wreak and the regional and even global fallout they produce?